
Posts Tagged ‘training’

Marketing Management: What is your company doing to increase knowledge and effectiveness?

March 22nd, 2012

Do these facts about training for marketers surprise you?

  • Training is the most important factor in retaining marketers under 30
  • Three out of four marketers are not receiving the training and development they need for competence and success
  • Only about a third of marketers describe their department as “highly skilled and competent”

These are just three pieces of information in the brand-new 2012 MarketingSherpa Executive Guide to Marketing Personnel.


But read a little further, and things get curiouser and curiouser (to paraphrase Alice in Wonderland). You see that turnover in the marketing department is a problem, especially in large organizations:




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If turnover is a problem now, in an unsure economy, what is it going to be like when the economy starts picking up stream and marketers have more job options? It gets worse; the vast majority of companies have no career path for marketers. And it doesn’t matter if you are in a small company or a large one:

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