Anne Holland

Sports Illustrated Email Renewals Help DM Efforts

November 21st, 2002

According to a brief article posted on DMNews today , Alec Casey, Exec Mktg Dir at Sports Illustrated says emailed renewal efforts
have had low response rates, but they definitely boost response rates for direct mailed renewal notices that follow them if you
can get the timing right.

I don’t know how SI gets its email addresses, or if they contact those addresses in any way during the year until renewal time,
and both these factors could hugely affect response rates. (Handwritten email addresses have a high likelihood of being data
entered incorrectly compared to postal addresses, and emails go “bad” at a rate of up to 30-40% per year as people switch email
boxes, these days often to avoid spam.)

Anyway, the whole email working in concert with a printed notice thing is interesting. Are any e-subscription sites sending mailed
notices? Let me know

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