The Rise of Email Customer Service Reps
Last weekend as I was cleaning up the kitchen, I had the radio on
to my local NPR station’s pledge drive. Usually they pull in a
celebrity of some sort to help them raise money. A famous musician
or radio personality. Guess who the celebrity guest was?
Their customer service email guy.
He was great. He talked about various emails he’d gotten from
people who loved the station and wanted album information. He
frequently mentioned how he always emailed them back, “Why don’t
you make a contribution and become a member?”
It was clear from the way the regular announcer treated the email
guy that the station considered him a real celebrity. Someone who
enough listeners had a personal connection with that they would dig
in their pockets and donate.
It makes me think, now more than ever your customer service department
has your brand reputation in the palm of their hand.
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