Print Newsletter Journalists Best for Online
Great online journalism is just like Peggy Fleming’s skating. She
makes it look simple. Which again points to the hiring problem
for online publishers. You can get experts to spew out columns, and yeah you can get professional journalists to contribute lengthy articles. How about finding a contributor for the shorter readable-online-bit that’s deceptively simple?
Harder to find than even I realized.
I know this fact deeply, intimately, personally because for the past month I’ve been sifting through resumes and writing samples looking for more freelancers and full-time writers for our newsletters. There are some really great people out there. The ones who can hit the mark for us are… well let’s just say few.
Interestingly, the best writing samples are coming from journalists with backgrounds in print newsletters. Not magazines.
Not Web sites, not ezines, paid subscription print newsletters.
Because, I guess, they are used to writing really tight stories (to fit in a little 8-page newsletter) that are so useful that people will pay more money per year for them than they would for glossy magazines on the same topic with much more content.
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