The future of Weblogs
Some reader notes from last week’s emailed compilation of Blogs:
Martin Roell wrote in from Dresden to tell us about the Blog he uses to promote his eBusiness consultancy at Martin sees Blogs as a natural extension of online communications practices first espoused in the cluetrain Manifesto a few years ago.
He adds (in English much better than my German will ever be), “I am sure that in the future, more and more weblogs will pop up that come from employees of companies and are endorsed by the company. Managers will actively promote participation of their employees in the internet community. Perhaps, small teams of companies will publish weblogs while working on a project. Think of a product developing team, that is designing a new toothbrush and blogging about their work and their progress while they are at it. 🙂
The important point is that these moves have to stay authentic. If the PR-Division starts publishing a weblog, which is, in effect, not
personal but the old marketing-ideas in new HTML, it will not be successful. People have a sense of when somebody is ‘real’ or not.”
Ankesh A Kothari of MaxMailer wrote in to say that despite the fact that right hand navigation is easier for Web surfers to click on, “there is one reason why many people prefer left hand side navigational panel; Screen Resolution.
“This is the case even when the window is minimized half way; or when the site is opened through a popup window. The site won’t give a good first impression to visitors who will have to scroll to the right to view the navigational panel. On the web first impression is everything, if the visitor is not hooked to your site within 10-15 seconds, he will usually exit. Also, if he has to scroll to the right to view the navigational panel, lo! 3 seconds went in scrolling.”
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