Anne Holland

Consumers are far more likely to respond to sweeps with

June 5th, 2002

According to a Catalog Age Weekly article about Jupiter’s latest research:

“The survey also reveals that 82% of online consumers are willing to provide various forms of information to shopping Websites from which they’ve yet to make purchases in exchange for something as modest as a $100 sweepstakes entry. In addition, 61% of consumers will supply their e-mail address and 49% will give their full name. Only 19% will provide their phone number, and just 18% will provide their household income.”

To which I have the following deeply insightful comments:

– Our Case Studies have shown that consumers are far more likely to respond to sweeps with “modest” prizes they believe they can win, than other stuff. A more useful number might have been how that percent changes depending on the prize.

– That 61% of folks who’d happily hand over emails consists of a few real newbies who don’t know better and then hoards of Net savvy people who will give you “an” email address such as “” which they never check and no longer feeds to their primary email at work since Yahoo began charging for that about a month ago.

– That 39% of people who would not hand over their email are the ones who haven’t figured out about starting a free email account for required online forms yet.

– Even the 18% will probably lie about their household income. Hey I’m not cynical, this is reality.

According to Catalog Age, the responsible Jupiter Analyst said something much more boring about these results, and he used big MBA words to do it with. But, you guessed that already, right?

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