Two of my favorite blogs
It’s going to be 100 billion sticky degrees out today, and everyone (besides we Sherpas) is on vacation right now, or leaving the office early. Even though I’m supposed to be working, all I want do is surf other people’s Blogs. Some faves:
* Robert Loch’s NetMarketing Blog. Robert is the grumpy voice behind much of DotComScoop, so I was expecting more attitude. Instead it’s useful links to best-of Net marketing news items (especially on search engine marketing topics). BTW: Robert if you’re reading this, it’s Olivier Travers with an extra “i”
* I know this because I’ve met Olivier in person (thanks for the wine!) and also vastly enjoy his WebVoice Blog where I almost always learn something new. For example, did you know some content sites in France are selling pop-under sites? That’s right, they pop-under an entire site instead of just an ad.
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