Tonight I got an interesting offer from my domain registrar, They’re offering “unlisted” registration of domains. On the surface, this might not look like an email technology issue, but isn’t is obvious that spammers would take advantage of this service? For $6 (on top of your regular registration fees) per domain, you can register your domain to Domains by Proxy. This will make finding spammers that much more difficult.
Sure, I would like to stop getting email (as I just did today) for a domain that I registered in 1999, but have since let lapse, offering me great business leads. However, I’m not sure I want would-be spammers to have this kind of anonymity available to them. I hope Domains by Proxy has a good legal department, because I imagine they’re going to be getting a lot of subpoenas.
I wonder if one of the domains registered to Domains by Proxy were to spam, and were to be blacklisted. Would the blacklist be likely to add the rest of the domains registered by Domains by Proxy? Talk about moving into a seedy neighborhood! Let us know and we’ll post the answer here.
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