Sean Donahue

What’s the Best Day of the Week to Host a Webinar?

June 28th, 2008

If you’re a B-to-B marketer who hosts lead-generation webinars, you’ve probably asked yourself that question. The most recent newsletter from webinar services vendor Bulldog Solutions offers some guidance.

Webinar consultant and blogger Ken Molay wrote a column recounting the results of an online survey he conducted with his readers. He asked them to specify which days and times they consider good or bad for attending webinars, as well as their favorite day to watch an event.

Some of the results match conventional wisdom: midweek (Wednesday and Thursday), in the midday or afternoon, received the top scores.

But there was also a surprising result: Friday was named the third most popular day for webinar attendance, behind Tuesday and Wednesday but squeaking in just ahead of Thursday. It’s not enough to make you overturn your entire schedule and begin planning all your events for the end of the week, but it indicates there might be an audience receptive to webinars on Fridays.

Check it out more results from the survey here.

Categories: Business Technology Marketing, Business To Business, Sales Lead Generation Tags:

  1. January 4th, 2010 at 12:04 | #1

    Did you consider that listing the days above would make sense. It’s off base. First you state “midweek (Wednesday and Thursday), in the midday or afternoon, received the top scores.” Then a few lines down you state “Friday was named the third most popular day for webinar attendance, behind Tuesday and Wednesday but squeaking in just ahead of Thursday.” So what is the order? I was able to get on thing – Wednesday & Thursday were most popular but if Friday is squeaking in just behind Tuesday and Wednesday then how is Wed & Thursday really first and second? See what I mean?

  2. Katie
    July 7th, 2010 at 11:23 | #2

    Great information to have!

  3. Megan
    October 3rd, 2011 at 07:45 | #3

    @Dan Nichols
    Yes, exactly. I noticed that as well.

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