Amazon Takes Six Weeks to Post eDocs Properly
Thanks to everyone who wrote in notes this weekend about my Blog on Amazon’s weirdly disjointed new product postings. David
Gewirtz of ZATZ summed it up nicely, “We have our ebooks distributed through Amazon as well, and when I first set up the
distribution ONIX file, I went nuts trying to figure out why some images showed, some descriptions did, but others didn’t and so
on. Basically, it just takes time (assuming your file is formatted right). After about six weeks, everything was all nice ‘n stuff.”
And some publishers (who declined to be named here) said I should just be glad I wasn’t trying to sell printed copies. Apparently
these can take even longer to work their way through “the system” from the day the warehouse signs for delivery and the day they
show up “in stock” online, even if there is a pre-existing sales page.
However I can’t whine too much, because that’s tempting fate to slam me with horrible slow processes as we grow our own bookstore
online. Don’t want people blogging about how awful it is to work with SherpaStore someday!
Categories: Uncategorized