Anne Holland

18.3% eCard Recipients Join Opt-in List

December 21st, 2001

Michael Herman at which I mentioned in my Blog on the 19th, emailed in good news, “Just an update, we’ve averaged between 800-1000 eCards sent per day this year, but yesterday was incredible. We had more than 10,000 cards sent yesterday alone. We have been mentioning the eCards in our newsletters recently, but we hadn’t even sent out our email newsletter to our newsletter list yet. We decided to wait to strongly promote suggesting eCards this weekend for those who just didn’t get around to sending ground-mail cards. We hope to see great returns on that as well.

“Another thing is that we’ve averaged 5,500 names opting in to our newsletter list for every 30,000 cards sent over the past year. It’s been an excellent source of growth newsletter subscribers. We pay Dayspring (provider of the ecard system) a flat rate + a fee depending on the volume of cards sent if we exceed a certain amount. Essentially, there’s a minimum + volume charges. But we’ve definitely seen it as an excellent indirect revenue generating tool and awareness booster for our site as a whole.

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