Adam T. Sutton

Cooler Widgets for Social Media Community

August 26th, 2008
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A few months back, I had a chat with Josh Stinchcomb, Publisher, Wired Digital. The company encompasses, Ars Technica, Webmonkey and reddit — all of which feature user-generated content to some degree.

Josh and his team strive to build smart ways to engage their sites’ communities. I poked around after our conversation and realized he wasn’t kidding. Conversation is rampant on those sites.

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Is Paper Catalog for Consumers on Life Support?

August 22nd, 2008
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Soon enough, our mailboxes will be getting bunched up with paper catalogs from the eretailers we’ve purchased from.

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Adam T. Sutton

Stave Off Attacks on Your Brand

August 22nd, 2008
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When customers talk about your brand online, those conversations last for a while. They sit in article comments, in forums and on profile pages, waiting to be spidered by search engines. Every one of those enduring comments is a piece of mini-media that either builds your brand’s credibility or stains it.

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Anne Holland

SherpaBlog: Launching a Consulting Career? Don't Quit Your Day Job

August 18th, 2008

If you, like thousands of marketers, are considering working as a consultant, my advice is not to quit your day job until you’re far too busy to juggle both. During this time, you should be doing three activities concurrently:

#1. Low-risk, try out
Pro bono work is a great way to test your consulting chops. You’ll discover what being a consultant is really like. (Your feelings may surprise you.) Plus, you’ll get testimonials and creative samples to land paying clients with in the future.

Your best bet is work for a trade association or business club in the niche market you’re hoping to consult for. You’ll get to meet members and grow your reputation with association officials who may recommend you to members later when you officially hang out your shingle. Many associations eagerly welcome help promoting their membership, events, awards due dates, and paid publications.

Another choice is pro bono work for entrepreneurs and startups in the niche of your choice. The experience of working with an actual client is invaluable, and they’ll allow you odd hours in keeping with your day job. Plus, you can require that they allow you to submit the work and results for awards which can lend your future practice invaluable credibility. (Note: MarketingSherpa tracks advertising, PR and marketing awards in our Awards Calendar for Members. Trial Membership is free.)

However, you should swear pro bono business clients to secrecy on your relationship. I’d even suggest a formal contract including this point. The relationship should also have strict time limits and goals otherwise you can get sucked into free consulting for life or risk bad feelings. It’s hard enough to establish solid financial value for consulting in some clients’ minds. You don’t need the “this could be free” whisper going around the community.

The classic pro bono choice is a charity or other non-profit. Frankly, unless you can see a direct connection between your work for the charity and a promotional opportunity to land new clients, I would not recommend this. You won’t get valuable networking, and charities are different beasts than most clients – so the experience will differ as well. Give to charity, but as a personal act, not as a start-up test maneuver.

#2. Reputation & connections growth
Definitely submit pro bono work for awards. In addition, aggressively start online efforts for self-promotion and networking, such as LinkedIn, Facebook, and a blog.

Next, make a list of media to which you can submit articles. Media might range from trade association and trade journal magazines and newsletters to email newsletters from vendors in the field. If the readership matches your target niche, chances are the editor may welcome a marketing columnist. In my experience, vendor email newsletters can actually outperform trade association ones significantly.

Use the “about the author” blurb to include a hotlink to your blog, along with a tantalizing note about what the reader might find there, such as a tip sheet. Be sure to add an “As seen in” blurb to your blog as well, with the logos of the publications you’ve written for. (Note: Get formal permission to use logos beforehand.)

Don’t rely on the Web for all of your networking. Most consulting clients come through real-life meetings. Nothing online can duplicate the impact of having met someone face to face.

Offer to speak at industry events, even local club luncheons. You’ll get more experience at public speaking, plus your name will get out there. (Several client-side marketers who’ve spoken at Sherpa Summits have launched consulting practices partly on the strength of that exposure.) Otherwise, attend every possible in-person event you can to meet potential clients and allies. If it means using vacation days to attend a trade show, so be it.

Handy tip if your company won’t spring for tickets: Some larger trade shows will let you in for free as press. Contact a trade journal or business website editor to see if you can get credentialed as a freelance reporter for the event. Include links to sample articles or relevant blogs you’ve written for in the past, and tell the editor you’ll cover your own time and expenses. In all fairness, you will need to write an article or show review and submit it in a timely manner — probably from the show floor itself. If you aren’t a great, fast writer, don’t try this.

#3. Financial padding
Set up a separate bank account for your consulting practice. You don’t need to incorporate or trademark for this; it can be a “dba” (doing business as) account in your to-be company name. Place all consulting checks into this account. Silo this money away from your regular accounts so you’re not tempted to spend it. This will be your financial cushion to pay yourself later when you go full time.

Your ultimate goal is a three-six months’ burn rate (i.e., the amount of money you need to live, pay taxes, and run your business if there’s no income for a month) in this specific account. In the future, when you’ve got steady clients, your company account should never dip below 45-60 days’ burn rate. (Some consultants let company savings dip to 30 days, but I think that’s dangerous because some clients take up to 120 days to pay bills.)

While you still have a steady paycheck, apply for a line of credit or a new credit card if you don’t already have some available. You may only need $5-$10k. Shop for the best possible interest rate at sites, such as Don’t plan on spending much of it though; this should be emergency funding. Just run a small charge every 90 days or so to keep the card in use so it’s not cancelled by the issuer.

Last, don’t splash out on fancy new office equipment beyond the bare minimum. You don’t need an Aeron chair or top-of-the-line Mac to start a company. (I started MarketingSherpa on a plank of wood laid across two dinged-up filing cabinets.) Save fancy office purchases as rewards when you’ve had your first successful year with more business already contracted for the second.

OK, expenses are mainly anything you need for (tight budget) networking and promotion, which might include relevant trade shows and an email service provider for the back end to build and ping an opt-in prospect list.

Next week: Should you consider being an independent contractor for your current employer?

Sean Donahue

Franchises Missing Out on SEO

August 16th, 2008
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Most marketers I talk to are dealing with increased competition for organic search placement and increased cost for PPC campaigns. So, it was interesting to hear about one industry where the biggest brands seem to be missing in action when it comes to search marketing.

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Anne Holland

SherpaBlog: Should You Become a Marketing Consultant? Quick Quiz

August 13th, 2008
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This year, I suspect that marketers are considering becoming consultants more than at any other time in history. It’s due to a confluence of factors, including recession layoffs and insecurities, boomer demographics, and the work-from-home fad.Is consulting for you? Take this quick quiz:

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Anne Holland

How to Use Networking Tactics to Generate New Business with Old Clients: 6 Tactics

August 13th, 2008
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SUMMARY: Networking is a valuable tool for meeting prospects for business relationships. But this tried-and-true marketing tactic can be just as valuable for doing business with old clients as well.

Find out how a professional services firm networks to develop new opportunities with current clients and keeps them even if they move on to a new company. Includes 6 tactics for never losing a client.

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Adam T. Sutton

Fall in Love with the Usability of Your Website & Email

August 12th, 2008
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Usability does not get enough love. Many marketers consider it a problem for software developers to ponder, not the CMO. The truth is that the usability of your website, email and other media directly affects their performance.

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Anne Holland

SherpaBlog: Should You Become a Marketing Consultant? Quick Quiz

August 11th, 2008

This year, I suspect that marketers are considering becoming consultants more than at any other time in history. It’s due to a confluence of factors, including recession layoffs and insecurities, boomer demographics, and the work-from-home fad.Is consulting for you? Take this quick quiz:

#1. Networking
Are you the sort of person who instinctively networks with other professionals? Do you actively participate in industry associations or clubs? Do you have more than 50 LinkedIn connections? When you attend a live event, do you mingle with people from other organizations and make new connections or do you stick with people you already know?

#2. Self-Promotion
Are you comfortable with selling yourself? Do you promote yourself in your organization currently or is the CEO unaware of how great you are? Do you have a track record of publicizing your accomplishments or professional opinions? Have you done any successful public speaking? Have you gotten any press? Do you have a blog?

#3. Working Virtually
Have you worked from home for long periods before and gotten much more done than you would have at the office? Will your social life and need for human companionship still be satisfied without office interactions? Do you have a room to work in with a door that can be closed and a family who can respect that closed door?

#4. Business Travel
If you are planning on reaching out to clients and prospects that aren’t in your geographic corner, are you able to travel? Do you enjoy occasional travel, despite airport security lines and having to dress up in business-wear? Will your house, pets, kids be able to cope with your disappearance when a client needs you? Do you have the funds to front travel costs when clients won’t pay you back for 30 to 90 days due to accounting cycles?

#5. Power & Control
Consultants often have little control over which of their advice clients actually take and how it’s implemented. Are you OK with this loss of control over the final marketing product? Being subject to a client’s whims can be tough for marketers who are accustomed to having more power.

#6. Administration
Are you any good at paperwork and office management? As an independent contractor, you’ll spend more hours on administration, such as quarterly tax filings, billing, legal paperwork, software installation, and maintaining office supplies than you imagine. Also, will you happily cope if you have computer problems? If you’ve worked in a larger organization for most of your career, and you’re used to full IT, HR, and accounting support, going freelance may be your worst nightmare.

#7. Money
Are you switching to consulting because you strongly suspect the work will be more satisfying? Or is it just to earn some more dough? (People who are primarily driven by money often don’t do well as marketing consultants because their heart’s not in it.) Are you able to say, “You’ll have to pay me for that,” if someone asks you for free marketing advice? Do you have the chutzpah to ask for a decent rate and to raise rates when merited? (Hint: Have you been able to negotiate higher salaries for yourself at past jobs?).

If you answered “Yes” to questions in at least five of the points above, then you may have a consulting future ahead of you.

Next week, I’ll give some tips on how to start your own consulting business. In the meantime, if you’ve tried consulting and have advice for others considering the same path, please post it here. Thousands of marketers are considering becoming consultants this year and they need all the input from the Sherpa community they can get!

Relevant Sherpa article

So, You Want to Be a Marketing Consultant: 10 Personality Traits You Need, 5 You Don’t

Natalie Myers

Canada’s Lead in Online Banking Might Be Key to Marketing Success

August 8th, 2008
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It’s no surprise that Canada leads the world in online banking usage. It’s a testament to information I found while reporting a two-part special report on marketing to Canadians. They have better access to broadband than the U.S. and Canadians tend to spend more time on the Internet. Read more…