Clarity Trumps Persuasion on Landing Pages
Day one at the recent MarketingSherpa Selling Online Subscriptions Summit in New York City offered some impressive takeaways. Take the “Landing Page Optimization Case Studies” session by Flint McGlaughlin, Director, MarketingExperiments. Two key takeaways:
Takeaway #1: Clarity Trumps Persuasion
McGlaughlin asserted that “reality trumps persuasion” on landing pages. He made the phrase into a type of mantra, having the audience repeat it several times.
Takeaway #2: Use Testimonials Properly
Testimonials lend credibility to your offer. They’re great at making customers feel comfortable with your order. However, they need to be used at the right time or they’re “a real waste of real estate.”
“We [marketers] use testimonials in random, haphazard, unfruitful and unproductive ways,” McGlaughlin says. Use them when customers are about to purchase, he says, that’s when they’re thinking, “Is it safe to buy from these guys.”
Categories: Website And Landing Page Design landing pages, marketing conference, summit, user testimonials