A story about toxic shower curtains was catapulted to national news because of a well-crafted, well-timed press release, according to The New York Times. The story, loaded with tips on writing better press releases, show the power of PR. Read more…
Viral marketing is hard to nail down. It’s hardly a science, but there are recurring themes, like humor. Many successful viral campaigns are just friends sharing funny ads.
The problem is humor is hard, too. Jokes can walk a fine line between offensive and corny. And those are relative terms. Your audience decides if your ad is funny, stupid or appalling.
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Embedding video — you should try it. You can use any one of the millions of videos on YouTube to liven up a blog post for nothing. Just copy the “embed” HTML code, paste it into a blog and bam — content that doesn’t cost a dime.
YouTube’s TOS says you can embed videos in a blog as long as you’re not:
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I recently talked with Natasha Funk, research director for Terra Networks. She has some interesting demographics to share on the online U.S. Hispanic market. We mostly talked about a content-engagement study Terra conducted with comScore.
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The new iPhone has me thinking about mobile marketing. After stewing over the differences between PC and mobile, a big difference hit me: GPS.
GPS enables sharp geotargeting. You can use IP addresses to target ads to zip codes, but that’s pretty broad. GPS-enabled phones can pinpoint a customer within a matter of feet.
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Online video producer Jim Kukral, of JFK Services, has some interesting thoughts on YouTube and Google Universal Search.
Search competition is not as strong in YouTube as in Google, Jim says. For example, searching “refinance mortgage” in YouTube returns 964 results. Searching in Google returns 11.6 million results. Some other examples:
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The Internet is changing everything – even pillars of American culture such as political campaigns.
Just look at what’s happened to presidential politics. Sen. Barack Obama has all but seized the Democratic presidential nomination – a feat he might not have accomplished without online fund-raising, social networking and Google ads.
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I just finished helping to select the winners of the 2008 MarketingShera Viral Marketing Hall of Fame, and I learned viral campaigns are strange beasts.
They’re not as straight-forward as AdWords accounts or press releases. It doesn’t seem to matter how much time and money you invest–you must appeal to the fickle whims of the Internet.
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Higher cart abandonment and bounce rates may be a sign of the gloomier economic times for eretailers. Both rates are up, according to a new report from MarketLive, Inc., which compiled data from almost 100 eretailers.
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MarketingSherpa’s recent Selling Online Subscriptions Summit 2008 in New York City gave scores of takeaways to participants. Here are a few of most consistent messages I picked up from the conference:
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