Please, Join the Email Anti-Blast Revolution
DJ Waldow from Bronto Software recently posted an entry in his blog that made me nod my head and chuckle. He ranted a bit about the term “email blast” and called for the community to slash it from the current vernacular.
And while I totally agree with his premise on how “blast” sounds like the antithesis of good email marketing, I’ll take it a step further: When I hear a marketer say, “We sent an email blast,” or even, “We blasted an email,” I seriously think they are living in 1997.
It sounds more like one of my aunts or uncles sending out a birthday party email for my grandma than up-to-date marketing-speak. So, I agree with DJ and then some.
Stop already with your “email blasts”!
And check out his succinctly put and rather humorous blog here (hotlink: Be one of the first to join the ‘Anti-Blast Revolution’.
Categories: B To B Ecommerce, Branding, Consumer Marketing, Ecommerce Eretail, Email Marketing, Marketing Law Consumer Marketing, Email Marketing, eretail, Online Advertising, Online Marketing