
Archive for the ‘B2B Marketing’ Category

Lead Generation: 23% of marketers consider key pain point an important form field

November 16th, 2012

In the 2012 Lead Generation Benchmark Report, we asked 1,915 marketers which lead gen form fields were most important to them. Here’s what they had to say …

Q: Please select the most important fields you need to collect from your leads on lead generation forms.

Click to enlarge


Interestingly enough, most of the discussion about this chart surrounded one of the lesser-used form fields – key pain point.

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Optimizing the Lead: 4-step lead generation analysis

November 5th, 2012

Originally published on B2B LeadBlog

When you think of the word optimization, you might think of writing keyword-stuffed blog posts for search engine optimization or running split tests for landing page optimization. But, in reality, any marketing process can be optimized. Including lead generation.

On a webinar today for ReadyTalk at 1 p.m. EST — “Planning for 2013: How to best utilize top lead gen tactics in the New Year” — David Kirkpatrick, Senior Reporter, MECLABS, and I will review the basics of the lead generation funnel. We’ll provide a few back-to-the-basics tactics that you can consider as you work on planning your campaigns and budgets for 2013.

Among other things, we’ll take a basic look at conducting a lead generation analysis, to help you optimize your lead generation process, campaigns and programs. It’s really quite simple, but it requires taking the time during an already hectic Q4 close to evaluate what really works while building a deeper rapport with an equally (if not more) busy team of quota-carrying sales reps.

Step #1: Review closed deals

The best way to determine what will work is to look at what has worked. Begin with an analysis of the deals that have closed.

How did these closed deals enter the system?

Here are a few pieces of data you want to record during this review for each channel and specific campaign (and you likely want to add a few attributes that are unique to your company, as well):

  • Number of deals won
  • Total revenue
  • Average deal size
  • Buyer persona traits

Step #2: Review new leads

Now that you know what works, take a look at what you currently have. Break down your pipeline by marketing tactic used, and determine:

  • Total lead volume — How many leads does each tactic generate?
  • Percentage of qualified leads per marketing channel — Determined using the above numbers
  • Cost per lead — How much did these leads cost?
  • Buyer persona(s) targeted — Which ponds are you fishing in, and whom are you trying to catch?

Step #3: Ask Sales

Check in with Sales to gather feedback on the performance of lead generation campaigns. You want to back up your data with real human experiences. What type of leads works best for Sales in their opinion?

This human interaction might help you uncover that although a certain tactic generates leads that close, they require many more resources from Sales to close the deal, while other leads are much easier to close. (For example, leads from a lead generation vendor may take a lot more work from Sales than leads that came in from a detailed content marketing program that provided all of the necessary info, and they’re much closer to having a discussion about contracts with Sales instead of simply requesting a RFP.)

Step #4: Identify opportunities

Use this complimentary data to identify the most effective channels and campaigns.

Consider what KPIs to optimize for, which may include lead volume, qualified lead volume, percentage of qualified leads per channel, and percentage of closed leads per channel.

Now that you know what has closed and what types of new leads you’re generating, where are there overlaps? Where do you fall short? For example, if you’re investing a lot in a tactic that generates many leads but they never close, you may want to shift some of that money to a tactic that generates a lower volume of leads that are more likely to close.

Not only will this help you optimize your marketing investments and lead generation capabilities, it can help optimize your relationship with Sales. When you have specific reasons to back up why you’re investing budgets in a certain way (which they may or may not agree with), they are more likely to support your decisions.

If nothing else, the human interactions of a Sales-Marketing huddle shows that you’re actively seeking input from Sales to help serve them better, and not allocating your budget and resources in a vacuum.

Related Resources:

Ideal Customer Profiles: 5 steps to ensure your lead generation stays on target

Lead Generation: 5 steps for managing cost and quality of leads (via MarketingSherpa blog)

B2B Lead Optimization: Why cheap leads can be so expensive (via MarketingExperiments blog)

Lead Generation: 39% say offline lead gen has somewhat decreased

November 1st, 2012

We surveyed 1,915 marketers for the MarketingSherpa 2012 Lead Generation Benchmark Report, and asked them about the importance of offline lead generation tactics. Here is what the data revealed …

Q: How do you feel the importance of OFFLINE lead generation has changed over the last three to five years?

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Lead Generation: 81% of marketers use email marketing

October 15th, 2012

Originally published on B2B LeadBlog

We surveyed 1,915 marketers for the 2012 MarketingSherpa Lead Generation Benchmark Report, and asked them about their most widely used lead gen practices. Here is what the data says…

Q. Which of the following lead generation tactics does your organization currently use?

Click to enlarge

To help you improve your own lead generation efforts, here are some insights and tips from our audience…

Email Marketing

“Interesting chart, Daniel — thank you for sharing it with us. Do you have any correlation between method and its associated level of effectiveness?” asked Hank Boyer, president and CEO, Boyer Management Group. “For example, email marketing may be the most-used method, and often has the distinction of replacing junk mail with junk email…however, its level of effectiveness is likely pretty low on the list.”

Jann Mirchandani, owner and chief marketing officer, Marketing Café, added “This chart is interesting in that it shows which tactics are being used. It does not, however, show which tactics are producing results. I would argue that email marketing is a tactic that most business owners understand and have been using a long time.”

Excellent points Jann and Hank, so let’s take review at a chart that shows which tactics are producing results.

Looking at some further data from the 2012 Lead Generation Benchmark Report that shows level of effectiveness, we can see that Hank has a valid point in his skepticism of email marketing being the most commonly used lead generation tactic for many marketers, however, he may be underestimating this lead generation tactic’s effectiveness:

Q. Please indicate the LEVEL OF EFFECTIVENESS (in terms of achieving objectives) for each of the lead generation tactics your organization is using.

Click to enlarge

“Is email a lead gen tactic?” asks Brecht of “If you have the email already, isn’t that the lead?”

That’s an excellent point Brecht, but it brings up another question in my mind — Is an email address really a lead? For some companies it may be, but your marketing team should have a Universal Lead Definition, mutually agreed upon with Sales, that defines exactly what a lead is. I would argue a true “lead” is whatever information most efficiently and effectively leads to a sale.

But that’s just my two cents. Here’s how Tommy Landry, founder, Return On Now addresses the question after he himself raises it?

“While I concur that email is the most important medium to get right, I question whether it should be considered a lead gen vehicle at all. If you are emailing them, they are already on your list of leads.”

“Using email right means that you are just catching existing leads at the right time to move along into the sales funnel,” Tommy says. “But I’m splitting hairs, and email remains the most important marketing tool for identifying ‘hot’ leads.”

Search engine optimization (SEO)

As we can see in the above chart, SEO was rated as very effective by a third of marketers, and this tracks with Hank’s experience.

“Our company recently rebuilt its website and we utilize both SEO and optimized Web design to enhance stickiness and click through,” Hank said.

“Early analytics from the site shows a significant improvement in traffic and time spent on the site. We believe this has been achieved by the inclusion of quizzes and assessments and relevant blog content, plus enhancements to the site’s navigation.”

Website optimization/management/design

On the MarketingExperiments blog (sister blog to the B2B Lead Blog Roundtable), we’ve found website optimization to be a very effective tactic, with double- and triple-digit lifts in reach for marketers.

If you are looking to optimize your own website to improve lead generation, here are a few tips from Tommy:

Website optimization goes beyond just the words on the page. It requires strategic long-term thinking and ongoing adjustment.

  • Is your site usability as good as it can be, so prospects can self-identify as easily as possible?
  • Does the design indicate that you are a serious business or look like you are a fly-by-night operation?
  • Is the content on it valuable, written well, and easily scannable by busy users?
  • Do the pages load as fast as possible or should you tweak your infrastructure, hosting, or CMS/theme?

The questions go on, but the premise remains the same — have you optimized the user experience of dealing with you online? The website is a huge part of that experience, so get it right. Source — Online Demand Generation: Top Media Vehicles for Driving Leads

Content Marketing

“Content marketing works! If you don’t believe me, check the Alexa rank of Return On Now,” Tommy said. “We kicked off a content marketing program in early July 2012, when our Alexa rank was just under 2.3M. The last I checked, it was closing in on 607K.”

If you’re looking for an example of content marketing, let me do a little horn tooting for just a second, and suggest you look no further than this blog and the MarketingSherpa article that prompted the responses you are reading now.

At least, so says Rebecca Caroe, founder, Creative Agency Secrets, “Daniel — great chart, great blog post and a superb way to demonstrate leadership in lead gen is to follow your tactics:

  • Invite reader response
  • Credit contributors
  • Enable future content to be written based on submitted readers’ views.”

If you’d like to be featured in a future blog post, simply sign up for the free MarketingSherpa Chart of the Week newsletter and share your actionable advice on a marketing industry chart that tickles your fancy.

Related resources

Why 75% of Marketers Are Experiencing Lead Generation Pain and How to Stop It Before It’s Too Late

Lead Generation Strategy: 5 signs you’re selling like it’s 1992

Coaching a new biz dev executive…. part 4

Content Marketing 101: 8 steps to B2B success

September 20th, 2012

There are times when one marketing tactic seems to totally dominate the discussion. In recent years, social media has been in that mix, and mobile and its various form factors and latest upgrade release dates are pretty top of mind for plugged-in marketers.

These days, the one tactic I hear about most often when speaking with brand-side practitioners and vendors/agencies/consultants alike is content marketing – particularly how important content and having a content marketing strategy is for B2B marketers.

I did not keep a formal tally, but I am willing to bet content marketing figured in to every presentation at the MarketingSherpa B2B Summit 2012 in some fashion. So much that I made the entire tactic the number one lesson learned in the event recap.

A recent B2B newsletter how-to article featured two B2B content marketing consultants providing tactics on the basics of B2B content marketing. As with many MarketingSherpa articles, while gathering material for the story, I ended up with more great marketing ideas than needed for the piece.

In this case, one of the expert sources for that article, Stephanie Tilton, B2B Content Consultant, Ten Ton Marketing, provided an excellent eight-point breakdown of how to get started with content marketing, and I wanted to share her insight with MarketingSherpa Blog readers.

Here are Stephanie’s eight steps to get started with B2B content marketing:

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B2B Social Media: 4 steps to get your listening dashboard started

September 18th, 2012

The Internet has a wealth of free, public information that could help you uncover sales leads, get closer access to industry influencers, monitor your competition, and curate news for content marketing.

One way to tap into this wealth of data is with a listening dashboard. At one of the roundtables recently held during the B2B Summit 2012 in Orlando, Nancy Chou, Senior Director of Customer Success, LeadFormix, shared a presentation on how B2B marketers could use social media to generate leads by creating a “listening dashboard.”


What is a “listening dashboard”?

A listening dashboard is ultimately a customer intelligence gathering strategy that consists of collecting and combining together smaller pieces of information to produce a larger and more insightful picture of a given topic, brand or prospect.

Here are some of the benefits Nancy listed that a listening dashboard can offer:

  • Hear what people are saying, and uncover sales leads whenever people discuss relevant keywords
  • Gain closer access to the industry influencers through the article and blog posts they write
  • Monitor your competition, gather sales intelligence and beat your competition by following discussions in real time
  • Share fresh news and content from industry thought leaders with prospects and customers


How to set up a listening dashboard

If you’re interested in building your own listening dashboard, Nancy provided four steps for building a listening dashboard for free:

  1. Create a list of the RSS feeds you typically read
  2. Gather additional newsfeeds on specific keywords using sites like alltop for newsfeeds and technorati or Google blog search to gather blogs written by industry thought leaders or topics of interest
  3. Start following influential people on Twitter using search engines like listorious and wefollow that categorize Twitter users by keyword
  4. Set up a Google Alerts account to be notified whenever a keyword, industry topic, competitor or thought leader releases new content

The steps above will get you started; however, if you need more sophisticated social media monitoring and tracking services, fee-based tracking tools are available.


Related Resources:

How IntraLinks Used Social Media to Generate Twice as Many Sales-ready Leads as Any Other Channel

B2B Lead Generation: 6 social media tactics from 7 experts

Social Media Marketing: 9 tactics for B2B social channel advertising

B2B Social Marketing: 4 ways to build one-to-one relationships with social influencers

Lead Nurturing: 5 tips for creating relevant content

September 13th, 2012

Attempting lead nurturing without strong content is like hosting a Monsters of Rock show during a power outage.

The results will be disappointing.

That’s because effective content is the power behind lead nurturing success, insist Toby Murdock, CEO and Co-founder, Kapost, and Chris Baggott, Chairman and Co-founder, Compendium.

Both companies are content software providers, and both leaders recently spoke about the value of content marketing: Murdock at Marketo’s Social Marketing Rockstar Tour, and Baggott at the MarketingSherpa B2B Summit 2012.

“The Internet has put buyers in control,” says Murdock. “Seventy percent of the buying is completed before Sales is contacted.”

What that means, he went on to explain, is that Marketing now has the greatest responsibility for guiding those opportunities through the sales cycle. However, traditional advertising methods no longer help leads move forward.

“The average clickthrough rate on paid Internet advertising is .01%,” he points out.

Baggott contrasts this with clickthrough rates on content that is meaningful to prospects. He provides an example: creating content that speaks directly to prospects’ needs and has strong calls-to-action.

“When we do this, we see clickthrough rates that exceed 20%,” he points out; it’s an observation they’ve made working with hundreds of clients.

“I click through because I am very motivated. I see something that will help me; I look at the content and say, ‘Yeah, these people get me.’ When you have a need and the content meets it, you’re very eager to move forward,” he explains.

Instead of pushing products or services, pull the right prospects through by providing information, ideas and solutions that will help them, advise Baggott and Murdock. (It will also help you rank high in search engines.) This is the essence of relevance, and without it, everything you consider content is just more advertising, they insist.

They offer these tips to create content with the power to move beyond advertising into relevancy:

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Orphan Forms: Marketing 101 change drives 32% increase in form completions

September 7th, 2012

Marketers are poor parents.

Walking recently by a sea turtle nest here on Jacksonville Beach, I was thinking about how sea turtles abandon their young after laying their eggs.

Harsh, yes, but as marketers, are we really any better?

We create landing pages, triggered emails and lead forms, and then … eventually forget about them.

Sure, we have good excuses. We’re busy. With the turnover in most marketing departments, we might not have even been around when some of these orphans were created. Additionally, unlike a reflective process — such as a continual media placement where we get a bill and must make a choice — keeping an old page live is essentially an automatic choice with no additional cost.

And, before I get on a soapbox, we have our share of orphans at MECLABS as well (which Pamela Markey, Director of Marketing and Brand Strategy, MECLABS, lovingly refers to as “land mines”). After all, our sites are more than 10 years old.

But, I want to tell you a quick story about the results we received by showing some love to one of our orphan forms. My goal is to inspire you to conduct a basic site audit to find what pages, forms and automated messages you’re overlooking.

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B2B Social Media Marketing: 5 career killers and how to overcome them

August 28th, 2012

Day one of B2B Summit 2012 has finally arrived.  Today, I had the opportunity to listen in on the panel discussion “5 B2B Social Media Career Killers … and how to overcome them.”

This session went beyond simply helping your company, and on to improving the future of your personal career.

MECLABS Director of Editorial Content Daniel Burstein moderated the panel of three B2B social media experts: Eddie Smith, Chief Revenue Officer, Topsy Labs; Chris Baggott, Chairman, Compendium; and Nichole Kelly, President, SME Digital.


With the introductions made, they jumped straight into the first B2B social media killer …

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Lead Generation: Trends in 2012 marketing budgets

August 24th, 2012

According to the MarketingSherpa 2012 Lead Generation Benchmark Report (free excerpt at that link), 71% of survey respondents indicated that generating high-quality leads was a top challenge.

So, in today’s blog post, let’s look at lead generation budget trends (hint: money is moving to online tactics) and provide some resources to help you make wise use of that budget.

To help you get the most effective use of your budget, here are several case studies and how-to articles for some of the tactics mentioned in the above chart.

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