
Author Archive

Historical Searches Reveal Shift

October 8th, 2008

Online marketing has changed a lot in the last seven years. But by how much? Google gives us a little insight today by opening up its index from 2001 in honor of its 10th birthday.

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Viral Referrals Start with Cool Product Categories

October 3rd, 2008

Organizing an eretail site based on best practices—like with categories and search features—gives you a solid foundation to work from. But it’s not a particularly interesting discussion topic.

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Empower Brand Advocates to Speak for You

October 1st, 2008

Most nonprofit organizations I’ve talked to have two core marketing missions: to solicit donations and get out the message. They need the funds to continue operating, and they need to get out the message to have an impact.

I’ve also noticed that many nonprofits have less-than-stellar marketing. This is not a slight to nonprofit marketers. I think they just lack time and resources, not ability. We have written case studies about nonprofit marketers doing very interesting things and finding success.

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Holiday Retailers Getting into Christmas Spirit Already?

September 24th, 2008

Monday was the first day of fall. The weather has turned noticeably colder in Rhode Island. Yup, it’s time to wave good bye to summer and say hello to…Santa?

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Solid Green Marketing

September 22nd, 2008

Jumping onto a bandwagon can carry you, but it hurts a lot when you’re thrown off. Marketing fads — like green, cost effective or energy efficient — do not matter. Marketing claims need to be factual or you’ll be thrown off the wagon.

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B-to-B Partnerships Built on Solid Communication

September 15th, 2008

Partnering with your competition can make for tense relations. You’re supposed to be working together, but you’re going after the same market with the same product. It can get confusing.

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Write Your Ecommerce Copy in Right Language

September 11th, 2008

The Internet has opened up the entire world to retail marketers. Anyone who can reach a computer to go online can buy your product.

Global ecommerce marketing has a lot of challenges, though, like translation. Unless you have a team of translators on staff, you’re going to need some help localizing your marketing copy.

Here is some advice from Larry Arnold, Manager, Consumer Technology Publications, Garmin, that could help you organize a diverse translation process.

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Click Fraud Apathy Can Cost You Search Dollars

September 10th, 2008

I just finished an article on click fraud and found some interesting numbers. A large majority of marketers seem unconcerned with click fraud.

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Entice Consumers to Your Website with Their Photos

September 5th, 2008

My parents and I went to a day game at Fenway Park the other day. Early in the game we were sitting in the bleacher seats, baking in the sun, when a photographer crept up and snapped our picture. He handed my mother a card with a special code and told us we could go to the Red Sox website to see the photo.

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‘Free Stuff’ Can Lead to Brand Goodwill and Consumer Research

September 2nd, 2008

Getting “free stuff” makes me feel good about a brand. Many of us feel the same way. And all we have to do is give up a phone number or a mailing address.

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